Architectural Continuing Education

Virtual Concrete Products Plant Tour
Thursday, March 2 | 11:30am – 12:30pm
Location: Online Event!
Learning Units: 1 AIA HSW credit
Presented by: Mark Barber, Earthworks Inc.

Applications of Natural Stone
Tuesday, March 14 | 12-1pm
Location: CMBA Architects
610 Talmadge St Suite A, Kearney
Learning Units: 1 AIA credit
Presented by: Jack Sykes, Oldcastle APG
Movement Joints in Masonry

Movement Joints in Masonry

Thursday, April 10 |  12 – 1pm
Event registration closes on April 9
Online Event!

Course Description

Death, taxes, concrete cracks, … and brick expands! This presentation will examine the final two of those fundamental truths of life and the implications that they have on our masonry design. We will discuss the state of the art in masonry joint recommendations, appropriate detailing for masonry joints, and common issues that arise related to masonry volumetric movement. The “secret” engineering hack to completely eliminate control joints in CMU walls will also be revealed! Don’t miss this opportunity to bring your thorniest masonry questions for the Q&A at the end of the presentation. Masonry newbies, experts, and everything in between are welcome!

Learning Objectives

  • Why do we need them?
  • Brick and block volumetric movement
  • Locating movement joints
  • Joint Details
  • Other Materials (Stone, Adhered Veneer, Stucco, etc.)

Learning Units: 1 HSW, 1 LU credit
Presented by: Donald Harvey, PE Atkinson-Noland & Associates, Inc.

Event Registration

Please note the NEW time.

Please contact Aubrey Cotton with any questions you have:

[email protected]