CMHANCMA E-Tek Solution Center is a compendium of resources developed and maintained by the National Concrete Masonry Association and its member companies. NCMA and ICPI are merging together and will be called CMHA.


e-TEK: A series of technical topics for industry professionals that focus on specific issues related to concrete masonry and hardscape design and construction.

e-Details: Help your design professionals reduce design and detailing time and effort on their next CMU or hardscape project.

Software: Various free design software packages for designing different concrete masonry components and hardscape systems, plus links to free limited time trials fo more extensive software packages.

Concrete Masonry Designs: Archived issues of NCMA’s design magazine that includes case studies, building features and best practices for concrete masonry use and hardscape products.

Other Resources: NCMA publications, research reports, frequently asked questions, videos, industry links and much more.

NCMA Solutions Center